27th Kazakhstan International Transport & Logistics Exhibition

Welcome Letters 2014

On behalf of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan I am glad to welcome participants and guests of the International Exhibition "Transit-Kazakhstan-2014"!

It has become a good tradition to hold international exhibition during the International Conference "TRANSEURASIA", a major event on the prospects for development of transport and communication complex of the Eurasian continent.

The exhibition dedicated to the topical questions of development of competitive transport services market and ensuring a favourable business climate, gives a complete picture of all kinds of modern transport and logistics systems for transit, the dynamics of growth of transit traffic in the Eurasian area, as well as contributes to strengthening the image of our country as a transit country.

Being in the centre of the important transport lines of the Eurasian continent, Kazakhstan is a strategic partner of many states, as evidenced by the participation in the exhibition of transport enterprises and companies from the countries of near and far abroad.

I am sure that the meetings and discussions of specialists of leading transport companies, their constructive suggestions regarding the status of and prospects for the development of transport and communication complex of the country and enterprises will make a significant contribution to the development of the transport sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan and will promote the further development of mutually beneficial partnership relations.

I sincerely wish the participants, guests and organizers of the exhibition fruitful work and well-being!

Zhenis Kasymbek
Minister of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Dear ladies and gentlemen,

On behalf of JSC NC "Kazakhstan Temir Zholy" I am glad to welcome the participants and guests of the International exhibition TransitKazakhstan-2014.

The exhibition TransitKazakhstan is an annual business venue for representatives of the transport industry, where they discuss the most topical problems and prospects for the development, new forms of interaction between different modes of transport, and the promotion of logistics issues in the global market of transportation and logistics services.

In accordance with the instructions of the Head of the State Nursultan Nazarbayev on the development of Kazakhstan as a business and transit hub, the revival of the Silk Road and the establishment of the National transport and logistics company of international standing on the basis of JSC NC "Kazakhstan Temir Zholy", the mission was updated and the business of the company is rapidly transformed.

The strategic objectives of the company include the development of new competencies, integration of transport services in a single logistic service, development and modernization of the national transport and logistics infrastructure and its integration into the international system.

In this regard, I am sure that this event will contribute significantly to the effective development of transport and communications complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan and will promote mutually beneficial partner relations of the participants of transport market in the CIS and far abroad.

I wish all participants, guests and organisers of the exhibition TransitKazakhstan-2014 a fruitful work and success in achieving their goals!

Yours faithfully,

Vice President of logistics
JSC NC "Kazakhstan Temir Zholy"
K. Alpysbayev


On behalf of the Union of Kazakhstan transport workers "Kazlogistics"I am happy to welcome the participants and guests of the 18th Kazakhstan International Exhibition Transport and Logistics - TransitKazakhstan 2014!

The exhibition TransitKazakhstan plays an important role in the development of transport infrastructure and logistics system of the Republic of Kazakhstan and neighbouring states, promotes the attraction of innovations and investments in the region, the growth in the volume of international traffic.

This year the exhibition TransitKazakhstan is held in conjunction with the 9th International Conference TransEurasia-2014 and in the days of the VII Astana Economic Forum, which, undoubtedly, provides an opportunity to discuss the maximum number of issues facing transport companies in Kazakhstan and neighbouring countries.

These days the capital of Kazakhstan acts as a host to the leading transport companies from around the world. TransitKazakhstan demonstrates a full range of industry solutions - from freight forwarding services to software, cargo handling equipment, warehouse equipment and machinery.

The Union of Kazakhstan transport workers provides an official support to the Exhibition Transport and Logistics - TransitKazakhstan 2014!

KAZLOGISTICS is a public association that connects all associations and research institutes of Kazakhstan.

Through consolidated promotion and protection of interests of all transport workers the established Union will allow the industry to compete more effectively in global transit and integrate in the Single Economic Space, and in the long term, will facilitate the accession of the country to the WTO.

KAZLOGISTICS will give impetus to the rapid development of synergy and efficiency of all transportation modes (multimodal) - air transport, marine, river, road and railroad transport based on the current global trends.

I sincerely wish the participants, guests and organizers of the exhibition fruitful work and well-being!

General Director
Union of Kazakhstan transport workers KAZLOGISTICS


Dear Exhibitors and Guests at the Exhibition:

I welcome you and congratulate you with the opening of the 18th International Exhibition Transit Kazakhstan 2014!

Our country's transportation industry is undergoing big changes in its development: the freight market reform process is continuing with its integration within the global transport system. Because of this it is hard to overestimate the role of events that make possible discussions on pertinent issues in the development of the industry, and to take a look at the newest technological breakthroughs, share experiences and expand business networks. They are especially vital in connection with the decree of the Head of State on Kazakhstan becoming a regional trade, logistics and business hub by 2016, along with the implementation of the large scale Kazakhstan-New Silk Road Project.

I can say with certainty that over the years since the inception of the Transit-Kazakhstan exhibition, it has become one of the most effective business platforms for representatives of the transport industry. I wish all the exhibitors, guests and organizers fruitful work, professional success and that you would achieve your planned objectives.


Chairman of the RoK Association of National Forwarding Agents,
Chairman of the Kazakhstan Association of Freight Carriers and Car (Container) Operators
Member of the Board of Directors of NC Kazakhstan Temir Zholy JSC


Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!

On behalf of organizers – Atakent-Expo IEC, Iteca Company and its international partner ITE Group Plc. we are glad to welcome the exhibitors and the participants of the 18th Kazakhstan International Exhibition "Transport and Logistics" - TransitKazakhstan 2014!

The development of transport logistics is a priority for Kazakhstan and it is one of the conditions for successful implementation of the State Program for forced industrial and innovative development of the country. By 2016, it is planned to create an adequate and competitive system of transport logistics, which will provide Kazakhstan the status of logistics business-hub of the region.
It is encouraging to note that over the past 18 years the Transit-Kazakhstan exhibition is very important event in the transport industry of our country and is rightfully considered as the largest specialized exhibition for transport and logistics in Kazakhstan and Central Asian countries.

This year the capital of our Republic - Astana city - meets more than 90 of the leading transport companies in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, the United States and China. Kazakhstan companies hold the largest number of exhibition space. National Groups of Latvia and Estonia are represented by more than 20 companies.

We hope that the exhibition will be interesting and will bear fruit as long-term mutually beneficial cooperation between the participants and visitors, transport industry specialists of the CIS and other foreign countries.

We would like to express special thanks to the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan, "NC "Қазақстан Темір Жолы" JSC, Union of Kazakhstan transport workers "KAZLOGISTICS", Association of National Freight Forwarders and wagons (containers) operators of Kazakhstan for official support and effective assistance in the organization of TransitKazakhstan 2014!

We wish all the exhibitors and guests of the 18th Kazakhstan International Exhibition "Transports and Logistics" - TransitKazakhstan 2014 establishment of new and strengthening of existing business contacts, interesting meetings and further prosperity!

Best regards,

The Organizing Committee