28th Kazakhstan International Transport & Logistics Exhibition


Yerzhan Zhakishev, Chairman of the Supervisory Boards of the Association of National Freight Forwarders of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Kazakhstan Association of Carriers and Operators of Wagons (Containers)

Dear participants and guests of the exhibition!

On behalf of the companies of the Association of National Freight Forwarders of the Republic of Kazakhstan (KFFA) and the Kazakhstan Association of Carriers and Operators of Wagons (Containers) (KazACO), I welcome the guests and participants of the 27th International Exhibition TransLogistica Kazakhstan!

Companies of both associations actively participate in the ongoing work carried out by the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, JSC NWF Samruk Kazyna, JSC National Company Kazakhstan Temir Zholy, NPP Atameken on the implementation of the tasks set by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan K-Zh.K.Tokayev to create favorable conditions that make it possible to effectively use the capabilities of the country's transport complex.

KFFA and KazACO represent and protect the rights and legitimate interests of freight forwarders, wagon owners and carriers in government agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, international organizations. At the same time, measures proposed by business to improve the efficiency of using the country's transport potential are being included in plans for the implementation of state technical policy, and regulatory documents regulating the relationship between participants in the transportation process and the transport services market are being improved.

I am sure that such an international event as the TransLogistica Kazakhstan exhibition is an effective platform for dialogue and interaction between business and government, business partners. The exhibition will provide an opportunity to discuss current problems of the transport industry, share experiences, expand and strengthen the range of business contacts, and establish constructive cooperation with new partners.

I wish the participants of the exhibition productive work, achievement of the planned results, success and prosperity!