28th Kazakhstan International Transport & Logistics Exhibition

Welcome Letters 2016

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!

On behalf of the Ministry of Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan I am pleased to welcome the participants and guests of the International Exhibition “Transit-Kazakhstan 2016”!

I would like to highlight the importance of holding international events as “Transit-Kazakhstan” Exhibition, in view of the fact that further development of the country’s economy is not possible without improving transport infrastructure.

Being in the center of the important transport lines of the Eurasian continent, Kazakhstan is a strategic partner of many countries, as evidenced by the international composition of the participants.

I am convinced that the International Exhibition “Transit-Kazakhstan 2016” will contribute to the further advancement of the transit potential of Kazakhstan and will promote fruitful cooperation between the enterprises and companies of the CIS and far abroad countries.

I wish all participants success in making your businesses thrive and achieving the goals.

Minister of Investments and Development
of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Zh.M. Kassymbek

Dear ladies and gentlemen!

On behalf of the National Company 'Kazakhstan temir zholy' we are glad to welcome the participants and guests of Tranzit-Kazakhstan 2016 International Exhibition.

Certainly, an annual exhibition "Transit- Kazakhstan" has become a tradition for the entire transport sector of Kazakhstan, CIS and Baltic countries.

The 100 specific steps State program defines steps for Kazakhstan integration into international transport and communication flow and creation of a multimodal transport Eurasian transcontinental corridor. In this regard the establishment of infrastructure in compliance with the international transportation requirements is of tremendous value for our state.

The new operating model of JSC "NC "KTZh" corresponds to the main directions of railway reform.

The main step of the reform is the organizational separation of transport activities and infrastructure for the formation of market-oriented service of freight and multimodal transport, competitive on the global market. In this regard, the transportation activity was transfered in July of this year to the Freight carrier - JSC "KTZh - Cargo transportation". The task of the Freight carrier is an attraction of load volumes both from traditional and new market segments.

In terms of internal and external competition special attention is paid to increase of transit potential of the Republic. The source of Company's growth is in transit containerized cargo transportation between the major economic centers of the Eurasian continent, and multimodal transportation in all kinds of directions. The number of container trains passing through the territory of Kazakhstan in China-Europe-China direction is growing. The number of containerized cargo transportation is growing among the transcontinental transportation, first of all due to reoriented cargo flow from oversea shipment to railway transport. Traffic along the North-South and TRASECA international corridors is dynamically growing.

In today's very challenging market conditions the successful interaction between the transportation market participants is of strategic importance. The company is working on a daily basis to increase the competitiveness of Kazakhstan transportation system, to improve its efficiency and availability to operate successfully in the global market of transport services.

In this regard I am sure, that Tranzit-Kazakhstan Exhibition will promote high quality transportation services, implementation of advanced transportation and logistics technologies, further attraction of investments into transport infrastructure.

I wish all participants, guests and organizers efficient work, fruitful meetings, new and reliable partners!

Alpysbayev K.
JSC "NC "Kazakhstan temir zholy"

Dear Exhibitors and Guests at the Exhibition!

On behalf of Kazakhstan Freight Forwarding Association (KFFA), organizing about 66% of the market of cargo transportation by rail and Kazakhstan Association of carriers and operators wagons (containers) (KazACO), providing more than 100 thousand cars cargo to owners to supply products, I welcome and congratulate you with the opening of anniversary International exhibition «Transit-Kazakhstan 2016»!

The transport and communication complex in our country is in the new development stage: the transportation market is under reform, its integration to the global transport system too, the national company performs transforming of railway industry of our republic, the main objective of which is to create transparency, predictability and competitiveness in the global transport services market.

In this regard, of particular relevance are the events allowing to discuss topical issues of industry development, consider the latest technological innovations, exchange experience and expand the list of business contacts, determine the possibility of participation in the implementation of new economic policy determined by the President of our country – “Nurly Zhol” – the way to the future, which is a practical part of a long-term Strategy “Kazakhstan 2050”.

Over 20 years of existence, the exhibition “Transit-Kazakhstan” became one of the most effective business platforms for representatives of the transport industry.

I wish to all participants, guests and organizers of the exhibition a fruitful work, professional success and to achieve your goals!

Ilya Segal

General Director of the Kazakhstan Freight Forwarding Association,
General Director of Kazakhstan Association of carriers and operators of wagons (containers)

Dear participants and guests of the Exhibition,

On behalf of the Atakent Exhibition Centre and personally from me I am happy to welcome exhibitors and guests of the specialized exhibition Transit Kazakhstan.

Today, at the stage of social and economic modernization of Kazakhstan the role of transport is increasing rapidly, taking into account international scope and emphasizing transit transport as one of the leading features of the national transport system. In this regard, the priority for the Republic in the field of the national transport and communications complex development is to ensure its competitiveness in the global market of services and accordingly stimulate the growth of transportation of goods through the territory of Kazakhstan.

In this regard, TransitKazakhstan is an exhibition, which annually attracts leading experts from the regions of Kazakhstan, CIS and non-CIS countries, as well as a significant factor in establishing links between the narrow-profile companies.

A highly topical business program, organized in conjunction with the exhibition, allows discussing some of the most relevant issues of Kazakhstan's transport system development, the development of new systems of interaction between different modes of transport aimed at the successful solution of problems of logistics in the global market of transport and logistics services.

I wish you all success in achieving your goals.

Chairman of the Board of Directors
IEC Atakent JSC
ABDULLAYEV Kalyk Abdullayevich

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!

On behalf of organizers – Atakent-Expo IEC, Iteca Company and its international partner ITE Group Plc. we are glad to welcome the exhibitors and the participants of the 20th Anniversary Kazakhstan International Exhibition “Transport and Logistics” - TransitKazakhstan 2016!

Twenty years ago we have organized the first “Transport and Logistics” Exhibition which now has become an important event in the transport industry of our country. Today TransitKazakhstan is the largest trade fair for transport, logistics and warehouse equipment in Kazakhstan and Central Asia.

Every year TransitKazakhstan attracts more professionals involved in the transport and related industries.

It is encouraging to note that this Almaty city meets at Atakent Exhibition center more than 120 leading companies from Kazakhstan, Russia, China, Ukraine, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Germany and Finland. National Groups traditionally will be represented by Latvia and Estonia.

Due to the 20th Anniversary celebration The International Transport and Logistics Conference will be held within the Exhibition. The Conference will focus on the development of transport infrastructure of Kazakhstan, cargo transportation and international cooperation and will bring together on its platform Kazakhstan and foreign heads of Ministries and departments, ports and terminals, railway operators, as well as the representatives of the transport, logistics and freight forwarding companies and cargo owners’ companies.

We would like to express special thanks to the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan, “NC “Қазақстан Темір Жолы” JSC, Union of Kazakhstan transport workers “KAZLOGISTICS”, Association of National Freight Forwarders and wagons (containers) operators of Kazakhstan for official support and effective assistance in the organization of TransitKazakhstan 2016!

We wish establishment of new and strengthening of existing business contacts, interesting meetings and further prosperity to all exhibitors and guests of the 20th Kazakhstan International Exhibition “Transports and Logistics” - TransitKazakhstan!

Best regards,

The Organizing Committee