19–21 June 2024, Astana, Kazakhstan
+7 727 258 34 34 | EN | RU
Dear Partners,
Please take note of the information about changes in the dates and venue of the Kazakhstan International Transport & Logistics Exhibition - TransLogistica Kazakhstan 2024, will be held as part of the Kazakhstan Transport Week from June 19 to 21, 2024 at EXPO International Exhibition Center in Astana city.
Kazakhstan Transport Week is the largest industry event in Central Asia, which annually brings together specialists for the purpose of constructively discussing current issues in the development of the transport industry and identifying ways for further effective development in modern economic conditions.
VII International Transport and Logistics Business Forum “New Silk Way”; Kazakhstan International Transport and Logistics exhibition - TransLogistica Kazakhstan 2024; III Kazakhstan Conference “Warehouse logistics market in Kazakhstan”, as well as conferences on topical issues of development of the transport industry, including transport engineering, IT solutions in the transport industry and logistics and transportation of oversized cargo, will be organized as part of the Kazakhstan Transport Week. Based on the results of the Kazakhstan Transport Week, EXPERT TALKS with key industry experts will be held
Kazakhstan Transport Week from June 19 to 21 in Astana city will contribute to the establishment of long-term partnerships, the expansion of international cooperation in the field of transport and logistics business, will attract new investments in the transport infrastructure of Kazakhstan and increase the attractiveness of the country as a transport hub and transit route on the East-West and North-South route.
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For assistance, please contact:
Gulzana Abdusharipova
Project Director
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+7 (727) 258 34 47 |
Madina Kurmangaliyeva
Project Manager
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+7 (727) 258 34 46 |
Organizer: Iteca LLP, ICA Events, IEC Atakent-Expo

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