+7 727 258 34 34 | EN | RU
Dear partners!
We present you to familiarise yourself with the schedule of business events within the framework of the 27th Kazakhstan International Exhibition "Transport and Logistics" - TransLogistica Kazakhstan 2024, which will be held on October 9 and 10 at the EXPO IEC in Astana.
You will have the opportunity to participate in four industry conferences with representatives of government agencies and industry associations, the management of transport, logistics, forwarding companies: developers and suppliers of products and solutions for transport and related industries.

To invite colleagues and partners, send them the promo code TLKDELPROG for free registration at the conference.Send a promo code >>>
For questions about participation in the exhibition and the business programme, please contact:
Gulzana Abdusharipova
Event Director
+7 771 709 18 66
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Organiser: Iteca LLP, ICA Events, IEC Atakent-Expo

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