Manufacturers and suppliers are waiting for you!
+7 727 258 34 34 | KZ EN | RU
Mining & Metals Central Asia 2022

Tomorrow, October 4, the 26th Kazakhstan International Transport and Logistics Exhibition - TransLogistica Kazakhstan 202opens. This year the exhibition is taking place in Astana, Kazakhstan, EXPO International Exhibition Center. Mangilik Yel ave., 53/1

Over the course of three days, more than 220 companies from 17 countries, as well as 1 business forum and 3 conferences will be waiting for you.

We start in:

We start in

ATTENTION! To get a free ticket,
please register:

Get a ticket to the exhibition now and be sure to invite
your colleagues and partners!

Share your TRA23VISIT promotional code with them

*An unlimited number of tickets can be registered using one promotional code

Exhibition opening hours:
October 4, 5 from 10:00 to 18:00
October 6 from 10:00 to 16:00

Astana, Kazakhstan, EXPO International Exhibition Center, Mangilik Yel ave., 53/1


See you at TransLogistica Kazakhstan 2023!
Sincerely, exhibition team | Тeл. +7 (727) 258 34 34

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